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Any ideas on things I absolutely must do before I leave?


Watch the sunset from the top of Primrose Hill. :-)

Hi Maria

Can I suggest you enter your blog in the Cosmo Blog Awards student category? It's a great read and Cosmopolitan UK are looking for fantastic student blogs in particular this year. You can see lots more info and enter at  www.cosmopolitan.co.uk/blogs/cosmopolitan-blog-awards-2011/cosmo-blog-awards-2011.



Freelancer for Cosmopolitan.co.uk


Dear Shantayne,

Thank you for your kind suggestion and for sharing the Cosmo Blog Awards link, which I will definitely check out. I am glad to know you enjoy my blog. :-)  

Spend all night in a proper pub, eat at Heston Blumenthal's restaurant, go to Wembley stadium. Three just off the top of my head!

I love just cycling around on a boriss bike. around the parks is so much fun :)

Thanks for the great recommendations! John, any "proper pub" suggestions? I'm missing this and Heston Blumenthal. What's special about it?