Jedward and Gnome Fairies: Eurovision 2011

Saturday saw the return of the annual festival of terrible music that is the Eurovision Song Contest. And it certainly didn’t disappoint.
In the closest contest for years, Azerbaijan came out on top, with their song ‘Running Scared’ by duet 'Ell/Nikki'. Despite the UK’s entry (boyband 'Blue') only ending up in 11th place, we can claim the small victory that one half of Azerbaijan’s entry- singer Nikki Jamal, lives in London.
However, Eurovision has never been about winning or losing, but is instead all about the acts themselves and just how bizarre their performances can be, and on this front there were a number of highlights.
Mad Performances
Representing Ireland, were the mad twins that make up 'Jedward' (pictured above) who gained fame in the UK after their performances in the reality TV show X-Factor last year. The mixture of their popularity and their classic Eurovision style performance meant that they were given maximum points by the UK.
However, here at Foreign Students, our favourite performance has got to be Moldova’s entry who went for the gnome look, and involved a gnome fairy on a unicycle (I never thought I’d type that sentence).
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You can see a few of our favourite acts below.
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