If you're transitioning into a new career, you may be faced with a number of challenges. From learning a new skill to learning new coworker's names, beginning a new career can be both rewarding and scary. This has been my experience in moving between careers and looking for upward mobility.
I've switched careers twice and because of this experience I've managed to accumulate some sound advice when it comes to the 'career transition.' In order to help make the transition a bit easier, here are five tips I've adhered to that help with the new experience:
1.) Listen and Learn
If you have prior work experience, it can be difficult to let go of your past achievements. When I begin a new career, I try not to hold onto the past too hard, as this can become a stumbling block on the road to success. In fact, I try to imagine myself as a whole new person, or a representative of my past self being reincarnated into a new life.
The reason for this is simple: no one in your new profession will care much about your past achievements. They may find your past experience interesting or compelling on a personal level, but when it comes right down to it they're more interested in what skills you presently bring to the table.
It's a 'what have you done for me lately' world.