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3 Key Things to Consider When Moving Abroad for Higher Education with Your Child

Education is said to be one of many keys to success for many looking to attain greater heights. Sometimes, this might require moving to a different country to pursue this dream. It could be because you want a change of environment, to learn about a new culture, or because the leading school for your area of specialisation happens to be abroad. If you have children, you may be worried about how you can move abroad to pursue your educational goals with them and what things you should consider before doing so. There are crucial things to think about when relocating with your child and below are three to consider. 


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Distance and Flexible Learning Opportunities in the UK


Whether you're a European citizen or an international student looking to study at one of the UK's many acclaimed institutions, the option of distance and flexible learning is a great opportunity to propel your education forward whilst pursuing other life goals.

So how can distance and flexible learning benefit you over enrolling in full-time education? Well, there is a wide variety of class and scheduling options that can fit around your current schedule, but to understand the benefits fully, and see if this type of learning is suited to you, let's take a look at how it can help you achieve the academic results you want, with the lifestyle you have.

What types of scheduling options are available?

Many students seeking flexible education do so because they are simultaneously pursuing a career, a passion, another form of education, or because they're located in a distant geographic area. You will find that there are usually two main routes in flexible studying, and each have their own merits:

1. Online Learning

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Boosting Lives and Careers with Distance Learning

There are many reasons to take an online study course, ranging from career enhancement to simply proving to yourself that you can do it. Many students around the world turn to UK distance learning providers, partly because of the course choice and partly because of the reputation of the institutions.

Anyone who is planning to study remotely towards an academic qualification will need to have a number of attributes in order to succeed. If you ask most prospective students which quality will be required most of all, the chances are they will say intelligence, or perhaps determination, but most people find they require self-discipline above all else.

The truth is that the most successful students are those who know when to study and when to say no to distractions. Over the course of the study period there will undoubtedly be times when tempting opportunities to socialise come along, and turning them down often becomes more difficult than following the intricacies of the course itself. Discipline is simply a must.

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The Free Online Future of Higher Education?

The digital revolution has led to many societal and cultural changes. Nowadays people tend to use electronic technologies anywhere and anytime. University students take notes on their laptops and on their iPads or tablets, they do research on the web library because the internet is a huge database without limitations, and also a time saver.

More and more websites are opening free online classes called MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses), which attract students massively. With web sites offering students the possibility to learn online, their popularity questions the future of higher education. Is this the future of higher education?

The Benefits of Online Courses

Every semester students have to register for their modules, hence everyone goes through the module descriptions and requirements to choose subjects of their interest. No one wants to pay for a module that won't interest them much, as they won't put much effort into it.

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Erik's View: Migration, Alcohol & Feminism

Erik Redli is a university graduate from Slovakia who is currently living in London. Each week he gives his view on the events of the last seven days. This week, he looks at migration policy, binge drinking and feminism.

Free Online Educational Courses

A new craze is sweeping education, with free online educational courses called MOOCS growing in popularity. 

"Many graduates boast about their university degree certificate. But most employers look at your skills and what the prospective employee can bring to the company. If you earn money, no one will dig into where you learnt your skills. Therefore the main asset of education should be the skills and knowledge, not the piece of paper.

I think these online courses hit on the fact that a degree does not automatically stand for knowledge. For example, I completed two courses recently. Although I did not earn the certificates (the maths too difficult for me), I learned a lot of new things that I have already used in my life and job. This makes for a good excuse for the large percentage of students who do not complete their courses. They took what they needed and left the certificates for the academics.

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